
Reasons Why Regular Underwater Hull Inspections Are Necessary

  Ship engineers and marine experts emphasize regular ship maintenance, inspections, and repair. These steps are vital to ensure fuel efficiency, damage prevention, and operational productivity of marine vessels , boats, and ships. Marine engineers can perform some of these routine maintenance tasks themselves; however, some inspections are best left to the experts. Since frequent stops at dry docks aren’t feasible, operators and owners utilize underwater hull inspections and repairs while the ships are still afloat. This technique requires precision and a high level of professionalism, hence, your best bet is to rely on an experienced team of underwater service providers such as Thai Subsea Services. Underwater Hull Inspections: Diving Deeper Also known as in-water ship inspections, an underwater hull examination requires qualified and licensed professionals who can check all the parts of a ship during their port calls. The vessel is adequately checked for potential damages th

What Is a Transducer? Why Do Ships Need Them?

Transducers are an integral part of any ship and play an instrumental role in aiding the safe navigation of all vessels the world over. This article will explain the importance of transducers and their applications in the commercial shipping and marine industries. It is also important to learn about their inner workings to ensure they are functioning correctly, are properly maintained, and why they need to be replaced when not operating at optimal levels. This basic definition of a transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Since we are focusing on ships, it should be noted that a transducer fitted underneath a ship converts electrical energy into high-frequency sound energy. Let’s dig deeper and learn more about this device. Why Does a Ship Need a Transducer? A transducer on a ship can be referred to as its‘underwater antenna’. It allows the captain and crew to detect different frequencies in the sea that aid in navigation and safety. The pulsati

Shipping Profitability: Save Money with Preventative Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is common practice in the shipping industry. It not only plays a significant role in enhancing a ship’s overall efficiency but also helps companies enjoy high returns. The primary benefit of preventive ship maintenance is its ability to detect potential problems ahead of time. In addition to corrective and predictive maintenance, prevention is the next best course of action to ensure your ship’s operational efficiency and crew’s safety. While you might think that a routine underwater inspection is all you need to prevent issues in a marine vehicle, it’s more than that. Preventive maintenance also includes correct equipment purchasing, workers’ training, scheduled maintenance,and timely repairs. Preventive maintenance of your vessel will help you stay wary of any potential operational pitfalls before sending it outinto the open sea on its next venture. Let’s delve deeper to learn how preventive maintenance can help you reap high profits in your shipping bus

All You Need to Know About Hull Cleanings

Ever heard the saying that a clean hull is a happy hull? We might just have made that up— but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. While most ships and vessels look admirable from up top, looking at them under the waterline is a completely different story. That’s why it’s necessary for you to get regular hull inspections and cleanings done. If you’re unsure about what exactly entails a hull cleaning, we’ve answered some of the FAQs to clear out your confusion. How Does Underwater Hull Cleaning Work? Underwater hull cleanings are an essential way to clean a vessel while it is still afloat and an excellent way to reduce drag and increase performance. Cleanings can be done on all types of vessels, no matter their shape, size, or age. Commercial diving companies using underwater brush karts may be able to clean 3,600 m2 per hour! Why Get YourShip's Hull Cleaned? A ship's hull is underwater most of the time. This means that the hull accumulates algae and other unwanted marine life

Why You Need to Maintain Your Vessel Regularly

Scheduled vessel   maintenance is an   inescapable   reality for any ship owner. As with any other major investment, the protection   and longevity of the asset   is the   top priority   of its success. Nowadays, regular maintenance, including   periodical inspections and repairs, has become even more necessary due to the ever-increasing demands set by the international maritime regulatory bodies, which aim to keep   our oceans and seafarers safe. Here are some of the reasons why vessel maintenance should be at the forefront of every ship owner’s   mind and why it is   imperative to set aside time and dedicated   finances for   the regular maintenance of your vessel. Insures Against Emergencies Regular check-ups and inspections can help   assess the overall   condition of your vessel and to determine if any critical components are broken or need replacing. This could be instrumental in preventing total failures or future catastrophes. Additionally, when you pay more attention to mainte

What is a Commercial Diver?

If a typical 9 to 5 office job doesn’t suit you, and you absolutely can’t spend a day without thinking about the ocean, then commercial diving might be the right career for you. Here’s everything that you need to know about commercial divers! What Does a Commercial Diver Do? A commercial diver works in various underwater settings like lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.  They specialize in a certain type of work, and their duties vary significantly from job to job. Over the course of their career, a commercial diver may work in a wide range of sectors and industries and have the chance to perform many tasks likeunderwater burning and welding,heavy-duty construction and demolition, ship repairs, inspections, deep-sea exploration, and more! All of these require specialized skillsets. Types of Commercial Divers There are different types or categories of commercial divers. These include, but aren't limited to: ·  Offshore divers  who work in the manyoil, gas,and wind fields of the world. These

Commercial Diving Gear: What You Need

For most people, getting ready to go to work consists of throwing on regular clothes and a pair of shoes or perhaps a suit and tie. However, this is different when you’re a commercial diver. The list of requirements is much longer, and for a complete outfit or “dress”, the diver must have all their equipment. Here is some of the equipment you need as a commercial diver. Wetsuit or Drysuit A wetsuit will give you protection against corroded steel or marine life and any other underwater items that could cause injury. A wetsuit is permeable yet skintight, so that a little water is let throughto your skin and is kept warm by your body.   Utilized in colder climates, a drysuit works much the same way as a wetsuit; however, instead of keeping a layer of water warm, it's sealed to your body, creating a dry void between the surrounding water and your body, allowing the body to warm up the air within. Diving Helmet A diving helmet  plays a significant role in the life of a diver: it allows