What is a Commercial Diver?

If a typical 9 to 5 office job doesn’t suit you, and you absolutely can’t spend a day without thinking about the ocean, then commercial diving might be the right career for you.

A commercial underwater diver with equipment

Here’s everything that you need to know about commercial divers!

What Does a Commercial Diver Do?

A commercial diver works in various underwater settings like lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.  They specialize in a certain type of work, and their duties vary significantly from job to job.

Over the course of their career, a commercial diver may work in a wide range of sectors and industries and have the chance to perform many tasks likeunderwater burning and welding,heavy-duty construction and demolition, ship repairs, inspections, deep-sea exploration, and more!

All of these require specialized skillsets.

Types of Commercial Divers

There are different types or categories of commercial divers. These include, but aren't limited to:

· Offshore divers who work in the manyoil, gas,and wind fields of the world. These divers are usually deployed out at sea for weeks at a time living on diving support vessels orbarges. Offshore divers offer support to energy companies and their contractors. Hours are long, and the water is deep. Offshore divers seek adventure and the potential for high earnings.

· Inshore divers who work near the shorefor civil or private projects. Their work is generallycarried out at coastalports, jetties, mills, lakes, dams, reservoirs, and riverways. Ship husbandry, salvage, fish farming, and bridge-building all fall into this category. Work scopes varywildly from region to region,as do conditions and pay.

· Naval diverswho work for the various militaries of the world. Whilst some missions may be top secret, there is a lot of crossover between the onshore category. Clearance divers may be tasks with the removal of unexploded ballistics from the sea floor.

· Scientific divers who work in pursuit of gainingscientific knowledge and its preservation. A scientific diver may gain meaningful employment as an underwater marine biologist or chemist or even carry out studies as an underwater archeologist.

A commercial diver underwater with equipment

Commercial divers play a vital role ininspecting ships for repair. If you’re looking for underwater ship repair services and commercial diving contractors in Thailand, head over to Thai Subsea Services. As one of the top underwater inspection companies, they offer underwater hull cleaning services, rope guard and grating clearing, underwater welding, and much more.

Get in touch with them at +66 33133889 or email them at sales@thaisubsea.com for more info.



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